5:30 am.. baby cries and wants a bottle.. i give it to her.. but then she realizes that it is not the middle of the night and close enough to morning that she wants to get up.. so then i bring her into our bed to sleep.. she tosses and turns and SOMETIMES goes back down.. and if she does it is INEVITABLE that our 4 year old will come in and decide to speak to us in all exclamation points.. then i hiss at him to be quiet.. only to realize that my "hiss" is what woke up the baby.. so then i give my husband a little "i hate you b/c i know you are pretending to sleep because you don't want to get up" shove..and move to the changing table where it is a crap shoot (no pun intended hehe) on if i have to change a poopy diaper. We do cloth so it is a little more involved to change a unexpected poop... SO happy i do cloth.. but in the early am... i curse the day i decided to do it.. SO after that we move to the "morning school routine" in which I get them all showered (baby girl sometimes isn;t fortunate enough to get bathed at this time and LORD KNOWS I NEVER AM!!).. then we get clothes on.. and argue about what they are wearing today. Wait we need to fine ___ specific item for school today.. CRAPOLA!!! So the search begins for ___ item that they must bring or wear to school today.. Why are there so many of these "special days" I know the kids get excited but this mama just cannot keep up! So i text my friend and see " are they really supposed to bring _____ item or is it really____ day today at school?? She confirms and we keep searching.. then we usually find ___ item somewhere under a bed or still in the wash.. WET.. so I think creatively and find an alternative... OK.. now moving on... time to Search for socks in the sock basket (b/c i never fold them into pairs.. sad..) then its off to breakfast in which both kids argue on what mommy will be making... screw it.. ya'll get cereal!!!!!I pour 2 cups of milk with carnation instant breakfast --to insure they get SOME nutrients if they don't eat.. get a sippy cup of watered down juice for P and cut up banana.. which is always EVERYWHERE.. They complain about what they are having and at least 2 time a week someone spills milk on the carpet... which needs to be replaced.. but honestly .. whats the point!?! ruin new carpet?! I think not!! i threaten my children's with their lives that they had better eat and take their vitamins.. (b/c by now they have taken 35 minutes to eat a small bowl of cereal, a go hurt and milk... they rock in their chairs and test me constantly by getting up and grabbing cars.. while i try to accommodate everyone.. baby girl feeds the dog her breakfast (meaning i have to feed her again in an hour) .. then i wipe her off with a paper towel.. tell the kids to get their backpacks at least 3 times... and we are out the door... hopefully on time..
We get in the car.. which smells b/c my kids surely have left something or spilt something in the back..I look like a homeless person with bed hair (I'm lucky to get a ponytail in) and mismatched clothes.. and p looks like a homeless child (sometimes i am lucky and have time to wipe her down with some wipes and spray her hair and put a bow in.. ) I drop them off apologizing for whatever reason i need to to their teachers ( being late, forgetting to do/ bring something).. ugg.. happens ALL the time!
Then P and i get in the car...head to the grocery store for milk .. b/c for the love of God, we go thru SO MUCH MILK!! I need a separate fridge just for MILK!! Then I think about how easy life is with just one.. and why in the H E double hockey sticks i EVER thought it was hard then.. hind sight really is 20/20.. then i anticipate the next 2.5 hours of slightly more peaceful bliss.. eating breakfast, getting my chores done.. is it sad that i look forward to eating and chores???
and this is all by 8:40am...
More on this later.. b/c i am a work at home mom of 3.. i need to go tend to them now seeing that my oldest just mud bombed the 4 year old..